Relief valve with unionised BS parallel socket threaded ends
FIP has developed a VKD DUAL BLOCK® ball valve to introduce a high reference standard in thermosplastic valve design. VKD is a True Union ball valve that meets the most stringent needs$required by industrial applications.

Další charakteristika:

  • Ergonomic HIPVC handle equipped with removable tool to adjust the ball seat carrier.
  • Handle lock 0°- 90° SHKD (available as an accessory) ergonomically operable during service and padlockable
  • Robust integrated bracket for valve anchoring, for easy and quick automation even after valve installation on the system via the Power Quick module (optional)
  • DUAL BLOCK® patented lock system that ensures union nut tightening hold even in severe conditions such as vibrations or heat dilation
  • Machined high surface finish ball that guarantees a smooth operation and increased reliability
Zpět Produktový list
Objednací číslo Materiál Kategorie Série product.detail.attribute.R DN product.detail.attribute.A product.detail.attribute.A max B product.detail.attribute.B max C E H L Z g
SVUFV012F PVC-U system Armatury SV DN 15÷25 1/2" 15 153 193 118 170 34 55 135 15,0 112,0 391
SVUFV034F PVC-U system Armatury SV DN 15÷25 3/4" 20 191 271 150 220 40 66 158 16,3 126,4 633
SVUFV100F PVC-U system Armatury SV DN 15÷25 1" 25 226 296 175 230 48 75 176 19,1 144,8 1106
  • Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
  • Patented SEAT STOP® ball carrier system that lets you micro-adjust ball seats and minimise the axial force effect
  • Easy radial dismounting allowing quick replacement of O-rings and ball seats without any need for tools
  • PN16 True Union valve body made for rigid PVC-U injection moulding equipped with built-in bores for actuation. ISO 9393 compliant test requisites
  • Option of dismounting downstream pipes with the valve in the closed position
  • Floating full bore ball with high surface finish
  • Integrated bracket for valve anchoring
  • Ball seat carriers can be adjusted using the Easytorque adjustment kit
  • Possibility to have handle with integrated LSQT limit micro switch, even as a retrofit in existing installations